
At Idea Challenge

We are committed to Inspiring students to improve daily, nurturing personal development, and excelling in their chosen fields. Join our university programs – “Innovation Launchpad” for entrepreneurial ideas, “Emerging Talent Expo” to showcase your skills, and the “Students Challenge Series” for hands-on problem-solving. Seize the opportunity to excel, innovate, and make a real impact on your journey of personal and communal growth.


FAQ / Student Programs

To join our programs, visit the respective program pages on our website for detailed information on registration and participation.

Yes, our programs are designed for university students from various disciplines. Whether you have business ideas, specific skills to showcase, or a passion for hands-on challenges, there’s a program for you.

Absolutely! Feel free to participate in multiple programs. Each program offers a unique opportunity, allowing you to explore different aspects of personal and professional development.

Our programs provide valuable experiences, networking opportunities, and exposure to real-world scenarios, enhancing your resume and making you stand out to potential employers.

n most cases, participation is free. However, there might be certain events or aspects that could have associated costs, communicated during the registration process.

Participants are chosen based on their interests, skills, and enthusiasm for the specific program. Check the program details for information on the selection criteria.

Yes, outstanding participants receive recognition, awards,  and opportunities based on their performance. Details about prizes and recognition will be outlined in the specific program guidelines.

Absolutely! Our programs accommodate students at various stages of their academic and professional journeys. Whether you have a concrete idea or are looking to explore possibilities, there’s a place for you in our programs.


FAQ / Partnership Opportunities

To explore potential partnerships, reach out to our partnership team through the contact details on our website.

We welcome various partnerships, including collaborations on events, sponsorships, mentorship programs, and more.

We welcome partnerships from diverse industries and sectors. If your organization aligns with our mission, we’d love to explore possibilities.

Partnering offers exposure to a talented pool of students, brand visibility, and the chance to contribute to the development of future professionals.

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